Thursday 6 May 2010

Colour Knitting

I almost forgot the last knitting book I bought. 
The reason is that it took me quite some time to look through it, because it is NOT a book a bout colour knitting. It is a book about stitch pattern that uses colour, not the same thing at all. Surprising, for me at least, but maybe it should not be, if I had taken into consideration what other books she has written. I was expecting a book full of colour charts, tips for combining colours and lovely examples, and the book has all these things, but the bulk of it is stitch patterns. There are some invaluable tips, I give her that, but listing stitch patterns seems to me an easy way of writing a book. I am disappointed. If you are going to buy this book, carefully look through it first, so that you can see what it contains, so you will know if it is what you want and worth your money.

1 comment:

Matilda said...

vilken härlig bok!
Du, hur lyckades du prenumerera på The Knitter? Går det till sverige alltså? :)