Monday 15 August 2011

Mini Art Batts

I have a new product in my shop which I am very exited about. 
These are unique 25 gram batts, and you get four of them, either random or by telling me what colours and textures you would like, or if you would like contrasting or similar colours.
The Batts contain mostly wool, for example Merino, Shetland, Gotland or Falkland, but may also contain other fiber such as bamboo, nylon, banana, silk noil or sari silk, they can also contain sparkle or bits of thread or yarn.
With these mini batts you could spin an exiting four ply, you could make two yarns by plying two colors together, or four separate yarns for something stripy, or you could take random pieces of all four batts and spin them to one lovely colorful single. The possibilities are endless. 

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