Monday 13 December 2010

Christmas Candy

I made some yummy christmas candy. That is a true christmas tradition, eating slobby and not very good home made candy. There always seems to be marzipan in them, I hate marzipan! But these little ones were actually very tasty! It is dried apricots dipped in orange infused dark chocolate. The apricots makes it a quite light snack and the orange enhance the fruity flavours, and chocolate, well you have to have chocolate. (the almond sliver is purely decorative.) The recipe said to use white chocolate infused with lemon, but I thought that would go in the to sweet and slobbery christmas candy category. This is my version.

100 g chocolate, preferably dark and fancy
250 g dried apricots, preferably organic
The zest of half an orange, organic if possible here to
The decoration of your choise.

Melt the chocolate, mix it with the orange zest and dip in the apricots to cover them in chocolate, put them on some parchment paper or something else suitable, let them set in the fridge, eat and enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ser verkligen smarriga ut. Skall nog testa och göra dessa till jul.

Mamma Mu