I am back again. TaDa!! :)
I went missing due to psychological problems, seriously, starting antidepressants mess you up, but I am slowly getting better now. Well, more about that another time perhaps.
The reason I wanted to post again now, is that I got this beautiful "Magic Yarn Ball" in the mail. I entered a swap just for europeans, which makes posting so much easier. I was paired up with a wonderful woman in the south of England and she sent me this. I also sent her a ball of course. It was almost as much fun putting one together as getting one, and almost as tiring for the arms to wrap one as it was unwrapping it. We had a 20 € budget.
First I found the lovely purple, pink ball with a little sheep greeting me, chocolates (all gone) and a little note. Inside the ball were more goodies: Stitch holders, lavender wipes, a magic soap (good for almost everything), a cute flower button, a bookmark, rainbow stitch markers and almost the best thing of all a hank of hand spun beautiful blue yarn. And all of this was wrapped in Noro Kureyon in fabulous bright colours. I adore Noro. Thank you Madeline!!
Det där ser ut att vara det bästa paketet som någonsin kan komma i posten. Tänk om alla ens släktingar och vänner också var stickerskor, så man fick sånt där varje jul
ReplyDeleteOj, vilken dröm. Fast då skulle de ju sluta beundra en för alla de fantastiska projekt man gör som de inte föstår hur man kan få till.