Friday, 2 April 2010

My 40th sock!

This is my 40th sock! The last one of those that is, it is my 20th pair. So, no more socks for a while!
I started on a sweater instead, that would be my fifth attempt to knit a sweater that fits me, I have high hopes. It is not that hard to make socks fit, or scarves and gloves, or even hats, but sweaters are hopeless. I think the problem lies in the tension swatch, my tension is tighter in the tiny swatch and then when I am knitting large sections of the sweater it self, I knit faster and way more relaxed. But I am starting to learn, someday I will make a sweater I can actually wear.
If I knit it, I will wear it, eventually, maybe.


  1. i think you'll be fine because the one you started isn't fitted :)
    good luck!

  2. I had problems with posting comments earlier..i meant that the sweater you just started isn't a fitted one so you should be fine getting this one to fit :)

  3. I understood you! :)
    You would think so, but I made one earlier, that was just supposed to hang lightly on the shoulders. Totally wrong, it was like a tent! But I have high hopes for this one. :)
